cooked quinoa
cooked chickpeas
cucumber, diced
cherry tomatoes, halved
radish, diced
fennel, diced
kalamata olives, halved
chopped mint, parsley, and/or dill
salad greens
feta, optional
juice from 1/2 lemon
1/4 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon maple syrup
salt and pepper
Prepare salad dressing in a bowl or glass jar - add lemon juice, olive oil, maple syrup, salt, and pepper. Whisk.
In a large bowl, combine quinoa, chickpeas, cucumber, tomatoes, radish, fennel, olives, and herbs. Toss with some dressing.
Taste and adjust for seasoning. Serve over a bed of greens and sprinkle with feta (optional).